Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

Housemade Granola!

We’re so excited that we now sell a house-made granola. Danny has been perfecting this recipe for years. It contains local, organic grains, local hazelnuts, coconut oil, and orange juice and maple syrup as the only sweeteners. It pairs well with yogurt and our Boysenberry Grapefruit SeaSalt jam. We hope you love it as much as we do!

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Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

bakery photos

Here are our bakery photos for the day! We’ve been so busy. Even last week when we had snow days we sold out each day. We are so grateful to our local community— and to all of our customers who drive out here from far away! Big love, thank you! Thank you!

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Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

Back to Regular Operations

It’s always nice to get some snow here in the valley- it doesn’t happen too often! However, I have to be honest: our crew of mostly neurodivergent (some of us autistic) work people rely heavily on our routines. I think we’re all breathing a breath of relief today to have things feel back to normal. The snow is melting and there’s a wonderful crisp and clean feel outside. Inside, we have the warmth of the bakery ovens to warm our bodies and the smell of buttery croissants to warm our souls. And each other! The snow days were a blast (we sold out of bread and pastries both days!) but it was a challenge because we were short-staffed and today we’re leaning back into what we do best: making your coffees, baked goods, and jams for you while we listen to our favorite tunes and laugh and enjoy each other’s good company.

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Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

Orange Marmalade Rolls

We have a new seasonal item in the bakery: Orange Marmalade Rolls! These rolls are made with our house-made orange marmalade. They are delicious!

Alchemist’s Jam Orange Marmalade Rolls

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Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

Snow in the forecast

There’s snow in the forecast, but we’ll be open! We may close a bit early if it’s very, very slow or if the ice gets too dangerous out there for our employees to walk home safely.

Danny checks on croissants in the oven

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Jennifer Finn Jennifer Finn

Goodbye, Instagram

And so the time has come to leave social media…

So, the time has come for us to leave Instagram. We fully believe that it does not align with our values of community. The longer we stayed on instagram, and especially after Trump’s 2nd term election, we (like many people) realized just how much power and money people that who were not aligned with our values (like Mark Zuckerberg) were gaining from our addiction to social media.

However, we want to continue our online presence. It’s important for us to have a place to share our continually evolving business with our community. Our love for jam, for baking, for coffee — we want to share it with you. And this blog is the space where we will share photos from the shop as well as updates about new happenings, new jams and baked goods, and anything else we feel compelled to share about. Thanks for being here!

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